Track Chairs
Catherine Mongenet (France Université Numérique (FUN), France)
George Ubachs (EADTU, Netherlands)
Call for Papers
The growth of MOOCs has helped to make institutions, IGOs, governments, accreditation organisations and societies at large more aware of the possibilities of MOOCs for open and online education in general. MOOCs and digital continuous education/training are a flexible and scalable solution for a transnational, truly European response to the needs of the economy across Europe. They can keep innovative knowledge and skills of the workforce up to date and anticipate the careers of tomorrow.
MOOC platforms will contribute to regional, national and European policies for education and training, employment and growth proposing strategies for change and action plans. Supportive policies are however a determinant factor in the uptake of MOOCs at various levels.
The policy track sessions will address the extraordinary potential of MOOCs in addressing European challenges related to the modernisation of higher education institutions as well as for coping with more general political and social issues, such as labour market challenges. This includes HEIs policies, supporting policies of IGOs and governments, conditions/possibilities to include MOOCs for credits in short programs and traditional degrees. There is also a growing need for additional new applications of MOOCs for K-12, high school, lifelong learning, CPD and professional training.
For the Policy Track the following topics are proposed:
- Institutional (HEI) strategies on MOOCs (e.g., using MOOCs to increase visibility of HEI, innovate education, reaching new kind of learners, etc.)
- Policies using MOOCs for general political and social issues (e.g., unemployment, skills mismatches, accessibility and inclusion, refugees and migrants’ crisis)
- Strategies to include MOOCs for credits in short programs and traditional degrees (related to policies of accreditation organisation, joint programs of HEIs collaborating, policies behind program offerings of leading MOOC platform providers)
- Supporting policies of IGOs, governments and other stakeholders (for example related to goals of civil society organisations, new applications of MOOCs for K-12, high school, lifelong learning, CPD and professional training)
Submission of Papers (due February 22, 2021 (extended))
This is a one-step process, via direct submission of abstract and full paper.
- Session proposal, up to 3 pages (presenting just projects and results, no proceedings). Please use this template for an experience paper submission:
- Short Paper: up to 5 pages including references
- Full paper: up to 10 pages including references. Please use this template for a short paper / full paper submission:
There will be official conference proceedings for this track and submissions will be handled through EasyChair.
Please remember to indicate the relevant Track when you submit your paper.
Policy Track Committee
Koen Nomden (EU DGEmpl)
Yves Punie (EU JRC Spain)
Jenneke Lokhoff (President ENIC of the NARIC network)
Isabelle Duchatelle (Université de Caen, France)
Willem van Valkenburg (Delft University)
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